1800+ Banking Related Full Forms

When we think about money saving or deposits. First places to come in our mind is the Financial Organizations (Banks). Not because they are Official Destinations of money, because of they are the trusted resources approved by governments.

If we talk about the country’s economies, Banks are an extremely important part of that because all the circulated money is connected with banks.

Banks are the organization that collects money from the customers and proving different types of loans to their trusted customers or businesses.

If you have confusion related to Banking name and their work, Don’t worry below we have shared with you some of the very important lists of banking full forms and their abbreviations with different categories.

let’s find out.


Indian Banks Full Forms List

AcronymFull Forms
SBIState Bank of India
PNBPunjab National Bank
UCOUnited Commercial Bank
IDBIThe Industrial Development Bank of India
ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation
RBLRatnakar Bank Limited
RBIReserve Bank Of India
RRBRegional Rural Bank
SIDBISmall Industries Development Bank of India
APGUBAndhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
DCBDevelopment Credit Bank
IVBING Vysya Bank
PSBPunjab & Sind Bank
SVCShamrao Vitthal Co-operative Bank
BOIBank of India
UBIUnited Bank of India
BMBBharatiya Mahila Bank
UOBUnion Bank of India
BOBBank of Baroda
BOMBank of Maharashtra
IOBIndian Overseas Bank
CBICentral Bank of India
OBCOriental Bank of Commerce
BORBank of Rajasthan
CUBCity Union Bank
KVBKarur Vysya Bank
LVBLakshmi Vilas Bank
SIBSouth Indian Bank
TMBTamilnad Mercantile Bank
EXIMExport-Import Bank
IIBIIndustrial Investment Bank of India
TSCABTelangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd
TGBTelangana Grameena Bank
APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Foreign Banks Full Forms List

AcronymFull Forms
RBSRoyal Bank of Scotland
SCBStandard Chartered Bank
DBDeutsche Bank
BBKBank of Bahrain and Kuwait
DBSThe Development Bank of Singapore
HSBCHong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
AEAmerican Express
BOABank of America
ADBAsian Development Bank
RBSRoyal Bank of Scotland
BOCBank of Ceylon
ACBAbu Dhabi Commercial Bank
UCBUnited Commercial Bank
ABEDAArab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
UCOUnited Commercial Bank
CSBCatholic Syrian Bank
EXIMExport-Import Bank
NHBNational Housing Bank

Important Banking Related Full Forms List

WordFull Forms
ATMAutomated Teller Machine
CAChartered Accountant
PANPermanent Account Number
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
NSENational Stock Exchange
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
NEFTNational Electronic Funds Transfer
IFSCIndian Financial System Code
INRIndian Rupee
CRRCash Reserve Ratio
SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
CSTCentral Sales Tax
DADaily Allowance
EFTElectronic fund transfer
EPFEmployees Provident Fund
FDIForeign Direct Investment
SEBISecurities And Exchange Board Of India
TINTax Information Network
VATValue-Added Tax
FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
FMCGFast Moving Consumer Goods
GDPGross Domestic Product
GSTGoods and Service Tax
IESIndian Economic Service
IFSCIndian financial system code
KYCKnow your customer
LICLife Insurance Corporation (Of India)
LLPLimited Liability Partnership
MSMEMicro Small and Medium Enterprises
NFONew Fund Offers
NSDLNational Securities Depository Limited
PPFPublic Provident Fund
BOPBalance of Payments
CBIThe Central Bureau of Investigation
ADRAmerican Depositary Receipt
ASEANAssociation of South-East Asian Nations
ASEMAsia-Europe Meeting
CABECentral Advisory Board of Education
CIBILCredit Information Bureau (India) Ltd
CIIConfederation of Indian Industry
CISCommonwealth of Independent States
CHOGMCommonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
TDSTax Deducted at Source
AIDWAAll India Democratic Woman’s Association
POProbationary Officer & Post Office
AITUCAll India Trade Union Congress
APFCAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
AMFIAssociation of Mutual Funds in India
SLRSingle Lens Reflex
ECSElectronic Clearing Service
IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority
APLAbove Poverty Line
APMAdministered Pricing Mechanism
ARCAsset Reconstruction Company
CITESConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CITUCentre Of Indian Trade Unions
ESIEmployees' State Insurance
SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
RTGSReal-Time Gross Settlement
ARDRAgricultural and Rural Debt Relief
ASBAApplication Supported by Block Amount
BIFRBoard of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BSIBureau of Indian Standards
BCBSBasel Committee for Banking Supervision
BCSBIBanking Codes and Standards Board of India
BOLTBSE On-Line Trading (System)
BOTBSE On-Line Trading (System)
CACPCommission of Agriculture Cost and Price
CARCapital adequacy ratio
CBSCore banking solution
CARECredit Analysis & Research Ltd.
CCICompetition Commission of India
CCILClearing Corporation of India limited
CDSLClearing Corporation of India limited
CECAComprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CPIALConsumer Price Index for Agricultural Labors.
CPIIWConsumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
CPIRLConsumer Price Index for Rural Labourers
CSIRCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research
CTTCommodities Transaction Tax
DADearness Allowance
DMICDelhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
DPEPDistrict Primary Education Program
DCAEssential Commodity Act
ECBExternal Commercial Borrowings
ECSElectronic clearing system
EEEExempt Exempt Exempt
EETExempt Exempt Taxation
EFAEducation for All
EGOMEmpowered Group of Ministers
EMIEquated Monthly Installment
EMSEuropean Monetary System
ERNETEducational and Research Network
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESCAPEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacify
ESMAEssential Services Maintenance Act
ESOPEmployee Stock Option Program
FCCBForeign Currency Convertible Bond
FCNRForeign Currency (Non-Resident) Accounts Scheme
EPFOEmployees Provident Fund Organization
FERAForeign Exchange Regulations Act
FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers Of Commerce and Industry
FIIForeign Institutional Investors
FIPBForeign Investment Promotion Board (Of India)
FPOFollow on Public Offer
FRBMFiscal Responsibility And Budget Management
FSSAFood Safety And Standards Authority (Of India)
FTAFree Trade Area
GATTGeneral Agreement On Tariffs And Trade
GDRGlobal Depositary Receipt
GEFGlobal Environment Fund
GICGeneral Insurance Corporation
GNPGross National Product
HDIHuman Development Index
HUDCOHousing And Urban Development Corporation
IAAIInternational Airport Authority Of India
IAASIndian Audit and Accounts Service
IADFInternational Agricultural Development Fund
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
IASBThe International Accounting Standards Board
IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction And Development
ICAIInstitute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICARIndian Council of Agricultural Research
ICORThe incremental capital output ratio
IEXIndian Energy Exchange
IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standard
IFTUInternational Federation of Trade Unions
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IMRBIndian Market Research Bureau
ICRAInvestment information and Credit Rating Agency
LIBORLondon Inter-Bank Offer Rate
MATMinimum Alternative Tax
MFIMicrofinance institution
MFINMicrofinance institution network
MIBORMumbai Interbank offer rate
MINMutual fund identification no
MNCMulti-National Corporation
MSPMinimum support price
MTOMultilateral Trade Organization
NABARDNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAFTANorth America Free Trade Agreement
NBFCNet-Banking Finance Companies
NEGPNational E-Governance Plan
OECDOrganization of Economic Co-Operation and Development
OGLOpen General License
PACPublic Accounts Committee
PCIPer capita income
PPPPublic-private partnership
RIDFRural infrastructure development fund
RRPIRural Retail Price Index
RTGSReal Time Gross Settlement System
SAARCSouth Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
SAFTASouth Asian Free Trade Area
SEZSpecial Economic Zone
SEWASelf-employed woman’s association
SLRStatutory Liquidity Ratio
STTSecurities Transaction Tax
SWIFTSociety for Worldwide Financial Telecommunications
TIESTax Information Exchange System
TRIMATrade-Related Investment Measures
UNFPOUnited Nations Fund For Population Activities
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children’s (Emergency) Fund
VDISVoluntary Disclosure Of Income Scheme
VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
WEFWorld Economic Forum
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization
ABMAssistant Branch Manager
AEPSAadhaar Enabled Payments Switch
AFSAnnual Financial Statement
AIFAlternative Investment Fund
APBSAadhaar Payment Bridge System
ANBCAdjusted Net Bank Credit
CADCapital Account Deficit
AMRMSAudit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
BSRBasic Statistical Returns
BOEBill of Exchange
BR-ACTBanking Regulations Act
BIRDBankers Institute of Rural Development.
BISBank for International Settlements.
BPLRBenchmark Prime Lending Rate.

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